The Blog

Blue baby dancing

Breakfast - Friday Nigh Funkin OST

11/17/24 - Hello, BlueSky!

It's almost been a month since my last blog post. I'm not very good at these! I haven't had much to post besides the occasional MoniTona comic, but hopefully with the semester wrapping up, I could pay more attention to adding cool stuff to the website, like the newly added changelog! In the Changelog, you'll be able to see what exactly has been changed or added to the website recently, so you don't need to scramble around looking to see if something new has been added. Anyway, the main thing I wanted to talk about: I got a BlueSky Account! I'll be posting art, comics, any game development updates, on there as well as on here. So give me a follow! Anyway, my writings page is still empty... I'll give you a hint as to what I'm doing! During my first semester ever in College, I took a creative writing class, and for my final, I wrote a story called "Making The World Safe For Marvin McConnel", and I'm planning on making that into a FULL story. I wrote a page so far, and since this semester has been so busy, I haven't gotten past that one page. BUT SOON I WILL WRITE MORE PAGES! So look forward to that. Bye bye, now!

10/29/24 - Introducing, MoniTona!

It's been a busy four days for this website... I want to make sure each page has something to look at, so no matter where you go, you won't see a "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" message. I thought updating the art page would be easy, since I could just put some of my old stuff, but now after looking through my backlog of unposted art, I have over 500 pieces of artwork I need to look through and put on the website... I'm going to be working on something to put on the "Writings" section, but that may take a few weeks depending on how much of a perfectionist I decide to be, and then there's the arcade, which may also take a few weeks before that sees any content... Fortunately, I have been able to introduce the first series for the Comic Shop, MoniTona! MoniTona is a comic about two siblings who live in fast food restauraunt, and their attempts to make the most of their crappy lives. Right now, only the intro comic is up, but hopefully soon I'll have a lot more up! I do have a few other series planned, but I'll let MoniTona run on it's own for a bit before starting anything else up. That's all I have to say for now, hope you have a good day!

10/25/24 - First Blog Post!

Hello, and welcome to my Website! I've always wanted to do this, but I never had the motivation. But I decided nothing ever gets done if you don't do it, so I did it. I learned HTML, and decided to build a website from scratch! Real exciting stuff! Most of the pages are still under construction, but in the coming days, that shall change... These blog posts will have all sorts of stuff on them. Updates on my life, my projects, and any random thoughts I might have. I hope this site brings you some joy!